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Faculty Members

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Professor and Director

Dr. R. C. Jha

: rcjha@bitmesra.ac.in

Qualification → Ph. D. (Engineering)

Aread of Interest → Power System Stability, Unit Commitment, Optimal Power Flow, Deregulation, Power System Reliability etc.

Field of Interest → Power System

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Qualification → Ph.D. , M.E(Control Systems), B.Tech.(Electrical Engg.)

Aread of Interest

Fractional Order PID Controller, Hermite-Biehler Theorem, Multi-Agent based Evolutionary Algorithms, Sliding Mode Control, Applications of Evolutionary Algorithms.

Field of Interest → Fractional Order Control

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Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohammad Junaid Akhtar

: md.junaidakhtar@gmail.com

Qualification → Ph.D.

Aread of Interest

Power Electronics and Drives, Electrical Machine Design, Electric Vehicles.

Field of Interest → Induction Motor Design and Control, Inverters

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Assistant Professor

Mr. Srihari Gude

: sgude@bitmesra.ac.in

Qualification → Ph.D(pursuing), M.E(Control Systems), B.Tech.

Aread of Interest → Wireless Power Transfer based Systems, Non-Linear Control Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, Discrete Control Systems and Design of Embedded Systems.

Field of Interest → Wireless Power Transfer based Systems,Renewable Energy Sources.

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Qualification → Ph.D. (BIT Mesra), M.E, B.Tech.

Aread of Interest

Power Electronics, Power Electronics converters, Power System, Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation, Hybrid Electric Vehicles.

Field of Interest → Power Electronics converters, Hybrid Electric Vehicles

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Assistant Professor

Mr. Nilesh Kumar Rajalwal

: nileshrajalwal@bitmesra.ac.in

Qualification → M.Tech(Power Systems), B.Tech.

Aread of Interest → Restructured Power System, Evolutionary Computing Techniques, Smart Grid, Distributed Generation

Field of Interest → Smart Grid, Demand Side Management, Demand Response Analysis,

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Assistant Professor

Mr. Prabhat Kumar Ranjan

: pkranjan@bitmesra.ac.in

Qualification → Ph.D(Pursuing), M.Tech(Power Systems), B.Sc(Electrical Engineering).

Aread of Interest → Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Distributed Generation, Electrical Drives.

Field of Interest → Electrical Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Distributed Generation, Electrical Drives.

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Associate Lecturer

Mr. Surendra Kumar Mahto

: skmahto@bitmesra.ac.in


Aread of Interest → Determination of Approximate Loadability Limit & System Voltage Stability Indicator.

Field of Interest → System Voltage Stability Indicator.